The Brazilian Ministry of Environment and the Global Environment Facility have a long history of cooperation, with four projects (US$ 60,6 million dollars) that produced important results for the conservation and sustainable use of Brazil’s biodiversity and for the country’s adherence to the Convention for Biological Biodiversity. This partnership is continuing with five new projects that will significantly contribute to the mainstreaming of biodiversity concerns into the public and private sectors; to the implementation of mangrove protected areas; to the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biodiversity in the Amazon; to achieve improved food security, nutrition and livelihoods through the enhanced conservation and sustainable use of pollinators; and to conserve the biodiversity rich and highly threatened Cerrado savannas of the Brazilian Central Plateau. These five new projects represent US$ 51.6 million dollars in GEF funds and additional US$168.0 million dollars in national co-financing.
O conteúdo é apresentado em cinco capítulos: Capítulo 1 - National biodiversity mainstreaming consolidation project – PROBIO II; Capítulo 2 - Effective conservation and sustainable use of mangrove ecosystems in Brazil; Capítulo 3 - Integrated management of aquatic resources in the Amazon region project - AQUABIO; Capítulo 4 - Conservation and management of pollinators for sustainable agriculture, through an ecosystem approach; Capítulo 5 - Sustainable cerrado initiative.