Wood characteristics are directly influenced by environmental and genetic factors.
However, some genetic features have high heritability, low phenotypic plasticity and are
independent of the environmental conditions in which they operate. This study aimed to
compare the wood anatomy of Cordia trichotoma that were planted in the same place, but
with seeds of two provenances (Bauru e Piracicaba), and to correlate growth rings width
with precipitation and temperature. Twelve discs were collected of this species in the
Experimental Station of Luiz Antônio, SP, and six from each provenance (Bauru and
Piracicaba). For microscopic analysis of the stem histological sections were made in the
conventional three planes (cross, tangential longitudinal and radial longitudinal) were
obtained and permanent histological slides were made according to standard techniques in
wood anatomy. Woody fragments were dissociated and with it slides were made. We
analyzed the qualitative and quantitative anatomical wood features. For analysis of growth
rings, the twelve disks had their cross sections polished manually on a series of sandpaper
and the growth rings were marked with the stereomicroscope. The measurement of the
growth rings width was achieved using the image analysis software Image-Pro Plus. To
check the quality and accuracy of the data held on the cross-dating measurements with the
help of free software COFECHA and, the rings width was transformed into series allowing
synchronization and better interpretation of the data. After synchronization, the data were
analyzed with the use of free software ARSTAN for disposal of the growing trends and
getting the residual chronology. Precipitation and temperature analyses were performed
using Pearson's correlation in Microsoft Office Excel. Qualitatively, the wood anatomy
was similar between the two provenances, and the only difference between then was the
presence of geniculate vessel in Bauru. Quantitatively, there was significant difference in vessel diameter, fiber diameter, lumen diameter of fibers and parenchyma per mm2, and the
averages were higher for provenance Piracicaba. The number of vessels per group was
significantly higher in Bauru. The presence of geniculate vessels, smaller vessels diameter
and larger number of vessels per group in the provenance of Bauru suggest greater water
security in the wood of these trees, or possibly genetic information of the place of origin of
the seed are related to these variations. Growth rings analysis, there was a significant
positive correlation between the growth rings widths and the variable temperature in the
months from August to October (winter and early spring), at which time the temperature is
milder and a negative and significant correlation between the growth rings widths and
variable rainfall in April, the month the levels of rainfall decreases sharply.