O presente estudo avalia oito talhões plantados com gênero Eucalyptus, na Estrada de Piranema (RJ), através dos métodos do custo e da renda, a três taxas de juros (6, 12 e 16,5%) e compara os valores obtidos nos dois métodos. Os métodos são ferramentas úteis para se saber o valor dos plantios. O método da renda se mostrou mais eficiente para avaliação desses plantios.
The present study evaluates eight plantation compartments
of Eucalyptus, in Piranema’s Road (RJ), through the method of
cost value and the method of income value, three interests
rates were tested and the results were compared with the two
methods. The methods are useful tolls to know the value of
plantations compartments. The method of income value is more
efficient than the method of cost value in this case.