Many individuals and organisations have asked the Water Footprint Network for a manual that contains a complete, consistent and up-to-date overview of the method of water footprint assessment. This report offers such a manual. It covers a comprehensive set of methods for water footprint accounting. It shows how water footprints cane be calculated for individual processes and products, as well as for consumers, nations and businesses. Besides, the report includes methods for water footprint sustainability assessment and a library of water footprint response options. This manual has been prepared by the authors as requested by the Water Footprint Network and serves as the water footprint guidelines promoted by the WFN. Derk Kuiper - Executive Director - Water Footprint Network.
O conteúdo é apresentado em sete capítulos: Capítulo 1 - Introduction: Background / The water footprint concept / The four phases in water footprint assessment / Guide for the reader; Capítulo 2 - Goals and scope of water footprint assessment: Goals of water footprint assessment / Inventory boundaries of water footprint accounting / Inventory boundaries of water footprint sustainability assessment; Capítulo 3 - Water footprint accounting: Coherence between different sorts of water footprint accounts / Water footprint of a process step / Water footprint of a product / Water footprint of a consumer or group of consumers/ Water footprint within a geographically delineated area (e.g. province, nation, river basin) / Water footprint within a nation and water footprint of national consumption / Water footprint of a business; Capítulo 4 - Water footprint sustainability assessment: Introduction / Environmental perspective / Social perspective / Economic perspective; Capítulo 5 - Library of water footprint response options: Shared responsibility / Reducing the water footprint of humanity: what is possible? / Consumers / Companies – corporate water footprint strategy / Investors – water risk mitigation and corporate social responsibility / Governments – national and river basin water policy & international cooperation; Capítulo 6 - Future challenges: Water footprint assessment methodology and data / Embedding the water footprint in existing water and environmental accounts and reports / Linking to ecological, energy and carbon footprint methods / Linking to material flow analysis, input-output modelling, and life cycle assessment ; Capítulo 7 – Conclusion; Literature; List of symbols; Glossary.