A germinação do banco de sementes no solo ocorre em função de fatores ecológicos onde as características microclimáticas condicionadas pelo sombreamento possuem relevância. O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos de diferentes intensidades luminosas sobre a germinação das sementes proveniente do banco de sementes do solo de capoeira com 30 anos de processos de restauração espontânea. Foram coletadas 20 amostras compostas de solo (25 x 25 x 5 cm), subdivididas em partes iguais, dispostas em sementeiras cobertas com telas de polietileno capazes de promover 15% (T15%) e 70% (T70%) de sombreamento em relação à luz incidente, por um período de 120 dias. Foram encontradas 118 espécies e 35 famílias botânicas. Destas, 59 herbáceas, 10 graminóides, 7 arbóreas, 15 arbustivas e 12 trepadeiras. No T15% germinaram 2.042 sementes (544,5 sementes/m²), sendo 766 indivíduos graminóides, 149 arbustivos e 315 arbóreos. As famílias representativas foram Cyperaceae (24%) e Poaceae (13%). As espécies Cyperus rotundus (24,7), Cecropia pachystachya (22,4), Cyperus sp.2 (18,7), Poaceae sp.1 (14,4) e Phyllanthus niruri (13,4) tiveram maior importância. No T70% germinaram 3.940 sementes (1.048,8 sementes/m²), sendo 520 graminóides, 882 arbustivos e 613 arbóreos. As famílias mais representativas foram Melastomataceae (19%) e Rubiaceae (15%). Clidemia urceolata (27,3), Rubiacaceae sp.5 (23,8), Cecropia pachystachya (22,2), Buddleja stachioides (12,3) e Piper sp.1 (12,3) tiveram maior importância. A diminuição da intensidade luminosa sobre o banco de sementes do solo proveniente de áreas perturbadas pode garantir o sucesso da restauração espontânea, já que influenciou positivamente a germinação das espécies arbustivas e arbóreas pioneiras e secundárias iniciais.
The germination of the seed bank in the soil occurs according to ecological features where the microclimatic situation conditioned by the shading effect had extreme relevance. This study evaluated the effects of different light intensities on seed germination from the soil seed bank from a 30 years old secondary forest. 20 composite samples of soil (25 x 25 x 5 cm) were collected, divided into equal parts and allocated in sowings covered by polyethylene screen of 15% shading (T15%) and 70% shading (T70%), during 120 days. 118 species were found, distributed among 35 botanic families. Regarding the habit, we found 59 herbaceous species, 10 grasses, 7 trees, 15 shrubs and 12 vines. In the shading of 15%, 2.042 seeds germinated (544,5 seeds./m²) of which 766 were grasses, 149 shrubs and 315 trees .The most abundant families were Cyperaceae (24%) and Poaceae (13%). Cyperus rotundus (24,7), Cecropia pachystachya (22.4), Cyperus sp.2 (18,7), Poaceae sp.1 (14,4) and Phyllanthus niruri (13,4) were the most important species. In the shading of 70% 3.940 seeds germinated (1,048.8 seeds/m²) of which 520 were grasses, 882 shrubs and 613 trees. The most abundant families were Melastomataceae (19%), Rubiaceae (15%), Urticaceae (13%), Asteraceae (10%) e Piperaceae (7%). Clidemia urceolata (27,3), Rubiacaceae sp.5 (23,8), Cecropia pachystachya (22,2), Buddleja stachioides (12,3) e Piper sp.1 (12,3) were the most important species. The decrease of light intensity on the soil seed bank from disturbed areas can ensure the success of spontaneous restoration,as it positively influenced the germination of shrubs, pioneer and early secondary tree species.